Seo Tools

January 10, 2020

In my day to day work as web developer i often need special seo tools to analyse page web visibility and optimize seo performance.

I couldn't always rely on 3rd party and free seo tools or the paid solutions where jusn not always on my clients budget.

Seo Tools blog page

So i started building some seo tools on my own.

On the link below you can find some of the tools listed, more are coming soon and some are in process of final testing.

Seo Tools

Content Analysis

Wordpress users have YoastSEO out of the box, its a great tool to analyse page content and optimize it for best SEO performance.

This is the kind of tool we all need when creating sites with React, GatsbyJS or any other framework or platform.

So i started wondering ... is there a way to integrate Yoast with React or GatsbyJS?

The guys from Yoast are kind enough to share their code Yoast SEO Repo. The whole reporting module is build with Java Script, and after some digging around the code i decided to try to wrap YoastSEO into a ReactJS app and see how it will work.

After some compatibility issues with react-script everything started working quite nice and the results where more than exciting.

And there it was Off site YoastSEO Based Page Content Analysis for everybody.

For the moment it supports only manual entries but I am already working on an update where the paga date can be crawled and loaded from a url.

Coming soon:

Keyword rank Checker

What is My IP

Grammar Check

Page speed analysis
